
Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I was having a stress related illness this past weekend thus preventing me from going online never the less I still want to greet Mommies everywhere a belated Happy Mother's day! I hope you were treated like a Queen yesterday :) If not, they owe you one...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pancit (Filipino Noodle Dish)

This is the absolute quintessential noodle dish found in almost every “Filipino Handaan” (feast/celebration). Growing up I was never a big fan of this dish, instead I would always ask for spaghetti but now that I'm older I found myself craving for dishes I had always neglected to appreciate back in the Philippines. I would have never thought that I would be cooking this dish in my tiny New York kitchen and loving every minute of it. I bet my friends are still in shock reading this entry and I have to say, yes I have indeed domesticated myself to some extent.