
Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland?

Don't you just love New York weather, especially in February when mother nature gives her last hoorah for the winter. The 3 day nor'easter is simply brutal. Don't be fooled by the picture since that was taken this morning and yes, that was only from thursday and we are ever so lucky to have friday and saturday of this menacing winter wonderland.

With all this snow and all this free time in my hands I am going nuts! Travel is almost not possible and in some cases restricted altogether, roads are horrendous, winds are so strong that my Bones! are cold. Hmmm I have to find a way to entertain myself. I thought of going to Mcdonalds for some fries hmmm fries (I digress) but after seeing this...

My thoughts were....hmmmm time to do some cooking, even baking sounds sinfully yummy! So let us see what I can conjure up in my miniscule New York kitchen and will definitely post about it. For now, be careful out there :)

Btw did i happen to mention Mcdonald's is just across the street from me...yep just across the street.

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