
Friday, March 5, 2010


I find the beauty of nature quite fascinating and undoubtedly difficult to capture but there are those people who are gifted enough to have the ability not just to capture but convey the meaning of what nature bring to us. I unfortunately am not one of those gifted ones but I don’t let that stop me from trying.

It was a very cold and frosty weekend when I went to visit my parents and it being Saturday I usually slept in late so by the time I woke up around 10 am I peeked out the window and saw trees, branches, plants, shrubs looking all frozen so armed with coffee in one hand and cell phone in the other I went outside. Icicles had formed on everything in the yard which for me looked absolutely breathtaking; it’s one of those moments where you just had to be there. Using my cell phone I took a few shots and they came out surprisingly decent so I figure I would share the beauty that I saw with you guys.

The last photo is a little blurry.

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